Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Vested Interest

I do not understand vests. A vest is a clothing item I don't get. As a fashion accessory, OK, sure. But don't pretend it has a purpose. People wear vests at this time of year as outerwear.

When I get cold, the first parts to get cold are my extremities. Isn't that true of everyone? We're always complaining that our feet are cold, our hands are cold, our legs are cold, our ears are cold. I have never thought to myself, nor have I heard anyone else say, "Gee, my chest sure is cold!" or "Wow, this cold hits me right in the belly."

So, why the vest? When it gets cold, wouldn't it make more sense to have just sleeves with gloves? Isn't that the part that gets cold first?

Bottom line is, unless you are protecting your vital organs (ala a bullet-proof vest), then I don't see the point in vests.


Grama Ritzy said...

Here is the way it works: If you keep your guts warm, your extremities will say warm -- in mildly cold weather. In really cold weather add one or more of the following: a jacket, a coat, a hat, leg warmers, mittens, gloves. OK, I may have made that up. but I think I heard it some ware. Anyway, itchy, keep warm however you can. I don't want you to be miserable this winter. I love you, kid.

UnrulyArchivist said...

You and I are so alike. I have had this exact same thought before!!! I've never understood it either!!In fact, when I try to think of a more superfluous garment, I come up blank. Nice observation. Thanks for bringing awareness to this important topic!