Sunday, November 02, 2008

All Saints

Yesterday, I spent a chunk of the day at Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio. It is one of my favorite places in the world. Because it was November 1, when I told people where I was going they thought I was being creepy and Halloweenie, or doing the "All Saints Day" thing. The truth is, it was a beautiful fall day, and I love the place.

It was a bit overcast, so not ideal conditions, but I still took a bunch of pictures. And it was at least warm. Here are a few of my photos to share...


UnrulyArchivist said...

Those are beautiful. I love the little mausoleum (?) with "Pennington" on the front, it's beautiful. And I love the memorial statue in the photo right beneath the Pennington one; the expression on her face is so moving and realistic. I think the overcast conditions add to your photos. Thanks for sharing them.

I understand your feelings about the cemetery. I used to hang out in them a lot when I was a kid. They are just the perfect place for introspection and reflection.

Grama Ritzy said...

The photos of the pond surrounded by trees are wonderful.

lilCherie said...

Very nice pictures. I really like the shots of the creek--how misty they look. You did a great job with those.

I love hanging out in a cemetery. Especially really old ones.

Tingle said...

Thanks for the kind words about the photos, it really looks serene, doesn't it?

Savannah, the one you are talking about is also my favorite - the photos don't do justice the beauty of the statue, though. That one is now my background on my computer.