Saturday, January 10, 2009

One Wintry Day On Facebook

With permission from those involved, I share this funny conversation that occurred last night on Facebook as we were all snowed in and on our computers. I've changed the names to just initials - I am "ME" or "M." Enjoy!

9:05pm January 9
S. is amused to find out that her husband and brother would both consider owning (and wearing) and Snuggie.

9:23pm January 9
C: That is HILARIOUS!!!! What color??????

9:24pm January 9
Sh: N. just sent me a bumper sticker earlier that says, "You can make your own Snuggie by wearing your bathrobe backwords." LOL... tell them they don't need to spend the money. :)

9:32pm January 9
S: that's how we got on the topic. they were both like, well, actually ... LOL!!!

9:32pm January 9
K: Wait A Minute, is the Snuggie that thing that is advertised on TV for staying warm without any part of your body being out? LOL. I guess if you get cold enough, anyone would where one, even the most manly of men. lol

9:33pm January 9
S: yeah, it's the blanket with arms ... too funny!

9:40pm January 9
ME: Husband and I were JUST talking about that because I've been wanting one for so long and tonight I broke out the space heater for warmth!

9:41pm January 9
ME: As I explained to husband, a robe is not the same, it's not long enough to wrap around your tootsies!

9:44pm January 9
S: point taken, but what's wrong with, um, I don't know ... a blanket? =)

9:45pm January 9
C: A blanket is not "manly". lol

9:46pm January 9
ME: See, I've thought this through - I have a blanket, but it goes over my legs and when I'm on the computer, my arms and hands get cold, so I end up with a blanket on my legs and a sweater or jacket on my arms and I just feel like I have too many warming accessories - I need the Snuggie so I don't feel like I'm suiting up for a space walk everytime I sit down on the computer.

9:51pm January 9
S: ROFL!! So a blanket with arms (ie: fuzzy straight jacket) is not constricting?

9:52pm January 9
S: And the mere fact that the boys get more outspoken about the topic has me near tears!

9:54pm January 9
ME: Thanks for the bumper sticker, LOVE it! I don't think it's as constricting because right now I feel like I can't even get up to answer the phone without taking off 6 or 7 pieces of clothing...

9:59pm January 9
S: OK, but what about the tripping hazard? I don't see you running to get the phone with that thing on ... I forsee an instant wrestling match, you versus the Snuggie to answer the phone before it rolls over to voice mail. "Sorry I can't come to the phone right now. I'm trapped inside my Snuggie. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can free my arms!" LOL!!!

10:00pm January 9
ME: LOL, good point! You're so funny! Well, at least if you order it, you get one free, AND the booklights! So 2 people in your house will be happy. Love the new flair by the way! hahaha

10:02pm January 9
ME: PS: Maybe if I get a Snuggie AND one of those "I've fallen and I can't get up" medical alert buttons, I could cover all of the bases!

10:04pm January 9
S: that's TOTALLY what I was thinking!! Hillarious!! Forget the book lights! Throw in the medical alert buttons and you've got a deal!

10:05pm January 9
K: The strange part about this entire discussion is that it has gone on this long....the analysis that has gone into it, one would think that we were discussion politics or something.....boy oh boy, this is what happens when you are trapped in the house on a cold night in Cleveland. A Friday night at that! It's really sad! this is hilarious. lol. But, what I will add to this discourse is that if you decide to put the Snuggie on, do what I do because I am lazy, make sure the phone, laptop, tv remote, food, drink, etc is all either on the couch with you or on the table right next to you, within reach, that way you don't have to get up...and there will be no Snuggie accidents! lol

10:08pm January 9
L: I want a Snuggie too! I missed the whole! But I want one too!

10:08pm January 9
S: very true K. ... this is what happens when your trapped inside!! LOL!

10:17pm January 9
ME: I've been having so much anxiety about the Gaza situation, it's nice to focus on something like this and have fun with it, and yes, I have put a lot of thought into it, which is pathetic, but I've just been so COLD this year! Good advice K! I do the same thing, I have a whole setup with the remote and beverages and laptop... but sometimes I forget the phone... Maybe I need to have a checklist before I settle in...

10:23pm January 9
P: S, ask your husband if he remembers the group the Black Monks, that's what the snuggie reminds him of... he says that could be your husband’s new theme song.

10:28pm January 9
K: This is HILARIOUS! Every time you think the convo is about to end, someone throws a curveball...and L, you have to see the commercial for the Snuggie....speaking of reminders, do you know what it reminds me of?...Those scary people who drank the purple juice, I forget their names, but I believe before the drank it they were all wearing something resembling a Snuggie...M, you sure you want to get one of those? lol

10:32pm January 9
ME: Oh yeah, the Heaven's Gate cult! Those were the dudes with the Nikes and the purple robes! What a memory, K! OK, maybe I'm best to stick with my blanket and space heater... you guys have beaten down my resistance! Maybe I should send you my 20 bucks...

10:37pm January 9
K: Thanks you guys, I have truly laughed tonight! But I don't want you to be discouraged from being as warm as you can. I actually have a similar purple robe that is a pull over, but it's a little more attractive than the Snuggie, but if the Snuggie get's the job done, Do what you gotta do, I'm just saying, the next time you see that commercial, think about the purple juice...It just looks "un-sexy", and they are trying so hard to make it look cool! lol, but I guess that's why you are wearing it inside the house and not outside because if I see anyone out on the streets in one of those...look out! lol

10:51pm January 9
N: The Snuggie can be as sexy as you make it...A little hide and go get it under the snuggie----HELLO!!!...M, I say you get one, I almost ordered it my darn self! ;-)

10:54pm January 9
K: WOW! I didn't think about that, but yeah, whatever works! Get it M!

11:05pm January 9
ME: Oh yeah, I like that idea! I'll be in nuthin' but my Snuggie and some high-healed black boots!! Maybe some earrings, we'll see...

11:05pm January 9
ME: Oh, and my "Me So Horny" mug would just be the frosting on my "M Snuggie" cake!

11:06pm January 9
N: ROFLMAO, YOU go girl!!!!!!

11:07pm January 9
ME: I can't wait to post THAT profile picture! LMAO!!!

11:15pm January 9
K: Yes, you must, you can get in different Snuggie poses, show your Next Top Model skills and then you should send them to the Snuggie people. lol, let them know we had an ENTIRE convo about it on a cold Friday night

9:41am January 10
S: WOW! I believe this is the longest thred I've seen on status! You guys are awesome!! And BTW, non of the comments have swayed my husband or brother ... they still want the Snuggies (and free booklights) ... so go for it M! You and your husband can have a Snuggie-fest (two words: Naked Gun). LOL!!

4:04pm January 10
ME: It's the longest thread I've ever seen, too! Mind if I put it on my blog? I think it's hilarious! I'll remove the names to protect the innocent or those in the witness protection plan...

4:50pm January 10
S: post away!

5:19pm January 10
K: That's what I'm talking about, you can call it "One Wintry Day On Facebook", lol

And a blog entry it became. The end… or is it??

Just a few more comments from me:

Yes, the people in the commercial totally look like cultists, especially this guy:

If you think the Snuggie is weird, check out this Laptop Body Sweater Wool Privacy Curtain. I want to believe that this is a joke, but I'm not entirely sure...

I am now thinking I will hold out on getting a Snuggie until they make them with a hood so it can double as an Obi-Wan Kenobi or friar costume. And keep my head warm.

Here's how cute I would look in a Snuggie - see, I could still do all my regular activities!

Finally, a link to the official Snuggie website and commercial, if you have not seen it:

1 comment:

Grama Ritzy said...

I can't believe I read the whole thing. Hilarious!