Sunday, February 08, 2009

Human Nature

At the park on Friday, I went to a place where there was an observation deck for observing animals and birds in a big field. It was very serene, and very empty.

I've found that with the camera, I spend a lot more time looking up and out, and not looking down (which is what I tend to do when I'm walking, making sure not to step in anything or lose my footing). As I came back to the car after spending an hour or so at this spot, I looked down. And this is what I saw...

I kind of chuckled, thinking someone had enjoyed this spot, and at least they were being safe. When I got in the car and looked out the window, here's what I saw, a few feet away...

So then I took this one, to complete my photo essay of Human Nature, which shows the proximity of the items.

I guess there's always a little bit of human in nature.


1 comment:

Grama Ritzy said...

This left me chuckling softly. Your recent blogs have been incredible. You have shared your journey beautifully. Thank you.