Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Let the Son Shine In!

My friend, Depressionista, pointed out to me sometime ago that I say some funny swear words a lot, such as "Geezy Petes" and "Bun of a Snitch." So, I started paying attention, and I do this a lot. But I don't think I'm the only one. Especially if you have kids, you are making up swear words. I know my brother and sister-in-law have some funny ones so that they don't swear around my nephew. Here's a list of the ones I say:

Geezy Petes
Bun of a Snitch
Jackwipe (as in, "Get out of my lane, Jackwipe!!!")
Dicklicker (another one I use while driving, as in, "Nice turn signal, Dicklicker!")
Eff, effed, effin (as in, "That's effed up!" or "Shut your effin mouth!")

Some other good ones that are not in my repertoire:

Son of a biscuit
Tarter Sauce! (my bro and SIL used this one around my nephew, from Spongebob)

Send me yours!

Also, this reminded me that I was driving to a doctor's appointment today and I passed a church, and on the sign it said, "Exposure to the sun can prevent burning." Obviously, they meant to say, "Exposure to the SON (as in the big JC) can prevent burning (in hell)." I thought it was pretty humorous that it was completely incorrect. Are people that oblivious about the English language? Isn't there just ONE person in that church who would say, "Uh, I think you mean SON there..." I think I'm going to try and take a picture of it this week.


1 comment:

Depressionista said...

I don't have any good pseudo swear words. I just say the real thing. I suppose that will have to change soon with Bubba growing older, but I still revel in it for right now.

I would love to see a photo of this sign on your blog. That's hilarious. The misspelling makes the sign totally meaningless and stupid...which, as you know, is pretty much how I feel about church and religion anyway...

Thanks for the post!