Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mental Nugget

What's with fat suits in TV and movies? Aren't there enough fat people out there who can act? And why are actors considered "brave" when they don a fat suit? If being fat were Oscar-worthy, I'd have a mantle full of trophies.

And why is it funny to dress up as a fat person for Halloween? It's not fair, I can't dress up as an anorexic. Although, I am thinking of going out next Halloween with a t-shirt that simply says, "I beat anorexia!"
(above: brave, brave Gwyneth in a fat suit...)


Anonymous said...

I agree 100 percent, and I LOVE the idea of the "I beat anorexia" t-shirt. But why limit it to Halloween? That would work all year round!

I think the problem with getting actual fat people to act in movies is that they can't slim them down for the inevitable happy ending, or at least the part of the movie where the male character needs to be fooled into thinking the woman is thin in order to fall in love with her.

It's sick. I just saw a trailer for a movie with Eddie Murphy in a fat suit (the movie's called Norbit) where, as far as I can tell, it's just one long fat joke. It seems to me that movies like that wouldn't be too popular, considering that the majority of our population is overweight. Maybe it makes "normal" fat people feel better to see someone dressed up as grossly obese. I don't know. I think it's sick.

Jeez, maybe I should blog on this topic!

Anonymous said...

I had to post that I bursted out laughing about the T-shirt! That is so funny and I would love one too, thank you...