Tuesday, November 21, 2006


all my troubles were packed in just one day.
Now I wonder if they're here to stay.
Yesterday, was so crappyyy...

I stayed home from work today. I feel like I need to recover from yesterday. Here's the rundown:

  • Snow on the car for the first time this season
  • Crappy traffic (what else is new)
  • Feeling particularly sensitive about comments (not posted comments) about the blog entry about Eroll
  • My dad called mid-morning to tell me he was home - he went to work that morning and was told they were letting him go. He's in the middle of a divorce and had been let go from his previous job of 10 years right before his wife left him. He's worked for Chipotle for a little over a year.
  • Yesterday was Emma's birthday. Emma was the baby of the family I used to nanny for. She died in an accident over the summer. She would have been 7 years old yesterday. Losing her was like losing my own child, since I had been with her from the moment she was born and I loved her. I was sad and mindful of her mom and family yesterday.
  • For about a week, I've been feeling like I just might be pregnant. I haven't felt that in a long time. I was starting to get excited, starting to let it be real, and then, yesterday afternoon, I got my period.

How to recover from a day like this:

  • Chocolate. All day. Luckily, a vendor I work with sent me this amazing box of chocolates to thank us for our business. It arrived yesterday, wow, it was AWESOME! I thought about sharing it with the rest of the staff - for about a minute. Then I kept it in my office and shared it with a select few. It was like a 5-pound box and should last me until Christmas!
  • Leave work early. Proceed to store and buy a new cordless phone. Shopping therapy.
  • Vent and cry on the phone with Depressionista, who always understands, no matter how bitter and angry and depressed and pathetic I'm feeling.
  • Get dinner from Q-doba, a Mexican food place much like Chipotle, and one of Chipotle's biggest competitors. This was in solidarity with my dad and my "up-yours" statement to Chipotle! While the dude was making my quesadilla, he said, "So, how has your day been?" And I said, "Pretty shitty, actually!" He said, "That's the most honest answer I've ever gotten." I proceeded to order a large chips and nacho cheese, to drown my sorrows in cheese. On top of the already ingested chocolate.
  • Cry a little, thinking about how pathetic I am and how pathetic it feels to not be able to get pregnant and how I don't know how I'll go on if I can't have a baby.
  • Watch crappy TV and play mindless computer games for the rest of the evening, which was amazingly comforting.
  • Go to bed at 11:00pm, then not officially get up again until 11:00am this morning (although I did get up to go potty and to feed the kitties).

My husband, who also slept in with me this morning (he didn't have to go in until 12noon), made awesome cinnamon french toast for breakfast, which really helped! Today HAS to be better...


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you took care of yourself, and that you called me, too! Bad days are my forte, I guess. I've had so many. But anyway...

I still am stunned and angered about those comments you got about Eroll's post...and I notice it's no longer up? I'm so sorry.

The pregnancy letdown is so cruel. I think I had a harder time letting go of the dream than you did (okay, maybe not, but I was still hoping against hope until it was totally futile.) I still feel optimistic that you will be a mother to a living child someday, some way. I just know it in my heart.

And the rest of the stuff...Emma, your dad...I'm sorry. You know that.

You're so strong, and you keep going on without totally losing your optimism. I admire you!

Cass said...

OK...so I am getting to this post a week later. But I am hoping that your world got a bit better since then! And your coping skills sound so similiar to mine! They get us through. Hang in there. You are an awesome person. I hate those bad days!