Saturday, November 25, 2006

Please DON'T Let it Snow...

I live in Cleveland, where it snows. A lot.

I hate it. I hate shoveling. I hate cold. Memories of sled-riding are filled with cold, wet mittens, snow in my underwear, and often injury. I hate ice. I hate slipping and sliding. I hate scraping it off my car. I hate driving in it. I hate looking at it out the window.

We've had an unusually warm week. One thing I love about that, is that I feel like I'm celebrating Christmas in a tropical locale. Mele Kalikimaka!

Another thing I like about the warm weather is that everyone goes full throttle decorating outdoors. Even before Thanksgiving, folks in our general region were taking advantage of the warm weather and decorating their yards with lights. When this past weekend was so beautiful and warm, and it was officially OK to decorate for Christmas since Thanksgiving was over, people went all out. Those who already had decorations and lights up, added to their decorations. And those who don't usually decorate, did.

I don't think I've ever seen so many houses lit up for Christmas and with so many lights! One person near us used PVC pipe to make arches all around their yard and covered them with lights. It was crazy!

The one and only thing I like about snow is when it looks like diamonds. When it's falling softly, no wind, and the flakes are big, and they catch in my hair and eyelashes, and when they melt, it looks like I have diamonds in my hair. I also like when it's a crisp, cold, clear night and the snow glitters beneath the moon. But that is ALL I like about snow.

It's supposed to be warm until Friday, so less than a week of this beautiful, tropical weather remaining, and I have to be inside at work for most of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures!
I'm with you on the snow thing. I lived in Nebraska for two years and of course the first year we were there they had their worst snow in 25 years. I TIRED of feeling cold by the time we moved from there that I couldn't leave fast enough.
Snow is beautiful to look at, but not fun at all to interact with.
I hope things get better!