Friday, July 11, 2008

My Humps, My Humps

My boobs are killing me! I barely bump them and I wince. This hormone thing has been hard on my breasts. Anytime I've been on Clomid I've experienced extreme breast tenderness. Some months it's worse than others. It has been more noticeable lately with the addition of the hormones and such.

It's really bad when I sleep. If I turn over or bump my breast, I wake up in pain. Even the shower can be awful. Since I have a fear that I will be strangled by my bra if I sleep in it (I wear underwires), I tried sleeping in a tight tank top. That worked OK, but more smooshing of the boobs than I'd like.

Since I had really sore breasts when I was pregnant with Eroll, I decided to by a "leisure bra" a few months ago. I figured it would work to sleep in while I'm hormonal, and it would still be useful when I get pregnant. It's been working pretty well so far, actually.

My lovely lady lumps - just another bump on the road to parenthood.


Depressionista said...

You know that I have always thought your lady lumps are very lovely. My lady lumps are jealous of yours! So, even if they cause you discomfort, could have MY saggy tits. Feel better now?

John Cobb said...

It that why they are talking about in that song "My Humps" .. I thought it was a hips/butt thing.