Thursday, July 10, 2008

Presenting: My Uterus!

Wednesday night, I spent 3 hours working on my "Shiny Happy Uterus" collage to work on a more positive attitude toward my uterus (and my body). I know, 3 hours is a luxury many don't have. But it was a very therepeutic time for me. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do or how I wanted it to look, so I started out with just cutting out a pretty pink uterus with falopian tubes and cute little purple ovaries. Then I started going through magazines and books and pulling out whatever gave me a feeling of:
  • fertility
  • loving my body
  • success/optimism
At first, I thought about filling the uterus with pictures of dollhouse furniture or something - giving the impression of a warm, inviting place for an embryo to come to rest. Then I thought about putting lots of pictures of babies. But the baby pictures were hard to find. I was using my "Conceive" magazine, which I thought would have lots of pictures of babies, but it really doesn't, and after I thought about it, I thought that was a good idea because seeing babies can be painful for some couples who are trying to conceive. Besides, those babies weren't anywhere close to as cute as the babies I know personally!
So, I just went with things that moved me. And finished it off with GLITTER! I am really pleased with how it turned out. I hope the picture gives you a good idea of what it looks like, although I know some details won't come through very well. The center is a picture of a statue of a woman with cradled arms, and in her arms, I put a little fetus picture from a biology book. And the little fetus is very glittery and happy!
So here, I reveal.... MY UTERUS!!!


Gumby13 said...

It is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I've never seen such a shiny, happy uterus! I imagine creating such a masterpiece was quite therapeutic. I think it is great that you are focusing on positive body thoughts, in particular your female parts. I know it is so easy to slip into that mode of being negative toward one's own body (heck even tonight I was having some bad thoughts toward my thighs). You are so kind to other people all the time, remember to treat yourself extra special (and your shiny pink uterus too!) One other thing -- I just wanted to let you know I still have a collage you created for me a long time ago -- actually I had it hanging in my locker at school! I think your collages are always beautiful!

Grama Ritzy said...

Yours is by far the most beautiful uterus imaginable! Please take gumby13's advise & be good to yourself.

UnrulyArchivist said...

This is a work of art. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Every time I look at it, I see something new...and I see your optimism and faith.

UnrulyArchivist said...

Oops, I'm signed in with my other nom de plume...but I think you know who this is. Dimetrodon!