Monday, July 07, 2008

The things we go through...

I forgot to mention that as of the day after the insemination, I've had to do supplemental progesterone.

Progesterone is important in supporting the ovaries after release of the egg and progesterone helps the uterus build a better lining to receive the (hopefully) fertilized egg. For some women, this helps make a pregnancy "stick." If I end up being pregnant, I will need to continue on the progesterone. Around the 10th week of pregnancy, the placenta takes over on the progesterone production for the baby.

There are generally 3 ways to take the progesterone - orally, injection (into the muscle), or suppository. I guess they prefer the suppositories because it's easier for most women. I appreciate not having to do more injections - the progesterone injections would be a lot harder since they go into the muscle with a big old needle, not the little sub-cutaneous needle I've been using for the other injections.

The oral version is not as effective, so they didn't even offer me that option.

So, I get the suppositories! When I got my prescription, they told me I need to put them in the refrigerator. No biggie - all of my meds need to be refrigerated to keep them potent, so I didn't think much of that. But the real reason they have to be refrigerated is becayse they MELT.

Twice a day, I get to push one of these white, bullet-shaped pellets up in there. Since I've never had a yeast infection or anything, the whole "vaginal suppostiory" thing is not something I have in my skill set. Sure, tampons are one thing, but those have an applicator. No applicator with these. So, there's been a bit of a learning curve to keep it from "sliding" out. I'm afraid of damaging myself if I put them too far up there.

Once I get it in there, I'm supposed to lie down for 15 minutes as it does its thing. Did I mention these things melt? Are you taking the journey with me? My nice warm hoo-ha, at a toasty body temperature, melts them quickly. And then they leak. All day.

I was told by several folks that I should wear a panty-liner all day. It hasn't been that bad, but I don't usually go through so many panty-liners. I feel like I should take out stock in Kotex. Now I regret getting rid of our Sam's Club membership!

Other lovely side effects include:
  • headache (check)
  • breast tenderness or pain (yes, very much, check!)
  • upset stomach (check)
  • vomiting (check)
  • diarrhea (check)
  • constipation (nope)
  • tiredness (hell yeah, check!)
  • muscle, joint, or bone pain
  • mood swings (goodness yes! check!)
  • irritability (see above)
  • excessive worrying (since worrying is a hobby for me, I wouldn't know if my worry was excessive)
  • vaginal discharge (I'm assuming this means the melty stuff)
  • problems urinating (thankfully no)
In looking for a photo of these puppies, I came across another blogger who says her husband said, "Can't they give you some kind of plug?" Good stuff.
So, today my "Today I feel..." magnet on my office door was switched to "bitchy." I felt so annoyed and irritated by everything. By my third voicemail I was dropping F-bombs. Luckily, most of my coworkers stayed away from me and it let up a bit after lunch. But I'm still REALLY tired.
Sometimes I think all of these tests, poking and prodding, are just really cruel tests to make sure I really want this.

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