Sunday, October 22, 2006

Mental Snack for the Day...

If I were rich, after giving to charity and all that, I would commission a study on how many facial tissues are sent through the washing machine yearly. This statistic would appear with many other useless studies in a gentle publication such as Women's Day or Reader's Digest.

Along with these statistics, I would also point out that "Kleenex" is a brand name and not a noun.

*Note: Because I keep putting pressure on myself to have full, long blog entries, and this often prevents me from posting at all, I am going to periodically post "Thoughts for the day," little bite-size pieces of mental candy that pop into my head and are relatively short, but will keep the blog fresh.

1 comment:

Depressionista said...

I think you should write an "Erma Bombeck-like" essay about this and submit it to one of the "gentle magazines" (I love that term!) Maybe you could do a website about Most Common Things That Go Through The Wash and Least Common Things That Go Through The Wash. It would be interesting to see what people submit and also to see photos of the items.