Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Plan E, F, G??

What happens when you get to "Plan Z" and it still hasn't worked out?

This morning, I went in for the next baseline for the next cycle of IUI. I still have one large follicle. After reviewing my blood work, my doctor decided I can go ahead with shots and such for this cycle.

Tomorrow I start on the Clomid and then a few days later get to do the shots again. The beginning of the whole cycle really isn't bad, it's toward the end when I just get so physically uncomfortable.

I called S. as I left the doctor's office (he couldn't make it to the appointment with me this time). At that point, I wasn't sure if they'd let me go ahead with this cycle. I said to him, "Are we going to keep trying??" And he said, "Of course!" He's so positive about it, I'm not so sure.

In the waiting room, I was reading a "Conceive" magazine, and there was an article about how people don't always factor in that it might take many tries to get pregnant and with IUI, then IVF, and several cycles of each, many couples are getting what they referred to as "The $100,000 Baby." I guess that's what prompted me to wonder, "How long are we going to keep trying? What are we willing to pay? What are we willing to go through?"

Anyway, we're giving it another shot this month and we'll see. I'm trying to be positive and at the same time, not focusing on it too much (although that's not easy when you have to give yourself a shot every night!).

Keep sending those positive vibes. Hopefully I'll get to be a parent before I'm 40.


annie said...

Thinking about you & sending a hug...

Grama Ritzy said...

Sending lots of love & hope.