Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm Down With A1C (Yeah You Know Me!)

Another Itchy Tingle health update...

Friday, I went back for another A1C test. My new number: 6.5!!! YES! 6.8 to 6.5 in 3 weeks, I am very proud of myself and my doctor was very pleased. So pleased, that he said we could start the Lupron shots right away if we wanted to, which would make the egg harvest in mid-March. Since I was still recovering from the cold, and knowing I'll have a lot of travel in March, I opted to wait one more month. That will also hopefully mean that my A1C number will be even lower, and the lower, the better.

Also, had our first marriage counseling on Saturday. Figure it's a good idea that we are getting along well and communicating before we have another member in the family. When this beautiful young lady came to the waiting room, I thought, "Oh please don't let that be our counselor!" But of course it was! She is beautiful, smart (working on her PhD) and likable! DAMMIT! Thankfully, I really connected with her, and Sean even opened up a bit, so I am feeling encouraged. It was only the first, "get-to-know-you" appointment, but I thought it went pretty well. I mean, she didn't immediately tell us to give up, so that's a good sign!

So, one more month and hopefully we'll be on the way to IVF.

Up next: my first mammogram and a "well woman" appointment (aka: pap smear).


cherylb said...

Marcy that is fabulous. I am so glad that you guys are doing that. Amen to making sure that you guys are healthy before a baby arrives!! Taking care of things now will leave you more time to open your hearts to your child, which I thought I might add...I babysit.

I have to admit that I have been in therapy since I was 16, due to some family issues and the fact that being healthy will probably be an ongoing process for me for the rest of my life.

Thanks for sharing your life with everyone this way. I love to read what you write and want you to know that you will always have a friend in me. You are so awesome and I am really glad that we became friends. Take care and keep writing.

Grama Ritzy said...

Yeah!, Marcy. I have A1C problems & know how hard it is to get the numbers down I'm proud of you! Very smart to have counseling to make sure you and Sean are on same page at this time.
I.m so proud od you.

ragfish said...

Fantastic. The counseling thing is good, too, because a kid changes everything! You suddenly have a LOT more to disagree about, and you need to reach agreements on stuff like tossing the kid around after it eats, (I suggest that he who makes the mess cleans up the mess. That's fair, isn't it? Oh no, don't tell me there won't be any tossing after meals, because ther will. Accept it.)